Why Is My Period Late? Causes and What To Do.

We've all been there – that moment of panic when Aunt Flo decides to play hide-and-seek. In this blog post, we'll look into the reasons your period might be late, and what you can do...

Can You Get Pregnant on Your Period? The Facts.

Many people wonder if it's possible to get pregnant during their menstrual cycle. In this guide, we'll explore the question: Can you get pregnant on your period? In this guide, fluxies debunks the myths and help...

Are Painful Periods Really a Sign of Good Fertility?

Periods are a natural part of a woman's reproductive health. However, many women experience period pain. This can cause confusion and uncertainty about reproductive health and fertility. In this guide, we look at the connections...

Can You Have a Smear Test on Your Period?

Understanding cervical screening can be confusing. You may have questions about smear tests. Common questions about smear tests include when to have one, how to prepare, and how often to get them. One question that...

How to ease cramps with our extra-long hot water bottle

Cramps are painful, they hurt, and they can keep you from getting a good night's sleep. Fortunately, there's a solution that doesn't involve painkillers and it's so simple - our extra-long hot water bottle! There...

PFAS and Period Pants: Are They Safe?

If you're someone who menstruates, chances are you've heard about the toxic chemicals found in period products recently. If you missed it, there's an ongoing investigation into PFAS (perfluorinated alkyl substances) being used in period...

Best Things To Gift New Mums and Mums-To-Be

The best gifts for a new mum or mum-to-be can be hard to find. After all, they've just had their baby, and they're probably tired and overwhelmed. When your best friend or relative becomes a...

5 Tips To Control Incontinence and Bladder Leaks

Urinary incontinence is a common condition that affects millions of people across the globe. There are different causes, such as pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. It is also often associated with certain medical conditions, such as...

Acne During Your Period? Causes and What You Can Do

During your period, you could experience cramping, bloating, mood swings and fatigue. And if that wasn’t enough to deal with, you could be prone to breakouts. A study published in the Journal of Clinical and...