How Much Blood Do You Lose On Your Period?

This is a question we’ve probably all been troubled over at some point or another, especially during those certain months when our periods have changed without warning! But how much blood do you lose on your period? Is there an average, or does it differ for everyone? What counts as “too much” and when should you see a doctor?

Why Do I Get Period Blood Clots?

You might notice that when you’re having your period, you’re also passing blood clots at the same time. But what’s the meaning behind them? Why do we get period blood clots during our time of the month? Are they anything to be worried about?

Everything You Need to Know About Free Bleeding If You’re Considering it

You might have heard of free bleeding as an option for when you’re on your period, but you might not know what it involves. Just what is free bleeding, exactly? Why do people choose to do it? What are the benefits of choosing to free bleed, instead of using menstrual products?

Causes of Irregular Periods and What You Can Do to Help Yourself

One thing that’s bound to make any of us tense is coming up to and passing by the date we know we should get our period, without anything happening at all. But this doesn’t have to mean that anything bad is happening, and some of the most common causes of irregular periods are things that you can take care of in your own time.

Does the Pill Stop Your Period? | Info You Should Know

It’s a question we’ve all had in mind before deciding on birth control — does the Pill stop your period? The answer is actually a little bit more complicated than just “yes” or “no”, so...

Why Does My Period Smell So Bad? Causes and Treatment

One of the many things that periods bring along with them every month, aside from period cramps, is a funky smell. Anyone with a period will tell you that at some point or other, they've...

The Best Period Pants of 2023 and Why You'll Love Them

Everyone is talking about period pants - and they've taken centre stage for good reason. Single-use disposables are a huge issue for Mother Earth. The average person uses over 11,000 disposables during their lifetime, and the...

Does Having the Covid Vaccine Affect Your Period?

The answer to the above question is ‘at present, we just don’t know!’ However, we've dug into it to give you as much information as possible. Having first been identified only eighteen months ago, the...

Why is My Period So Heavy? Causes and What You Can Do

Heavy flows, cramps and pain can all be common experiences for people with periods and each person's menstrual flow and cycle are different. If your period is so heavy that it is stopping you from...